A business is only as strong as its weakest link—and for many, this area is cybersecurity. Cyberattacks are a growing threat, becoming more intricate and sophisticated with each passing day. So how do you protect your company? Do you need a vCISO or an MSP?
Look no further! We will tell you everything you need to know about vCISOs vs. MSPs, giving you the information you need to make informed decisions to protect your business. Let's dive in!
What Is a vCISO?
A Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) is a cybersecurity professional who assesses a company's cybersecurity risk and develops a comprehensive risk management strategy. Common services they provide also include:
Conduct thorough cybersecurity risk assessments
Gather information regarding industry, or location-specific cybersecurity policies, guidelines, and standards to ensure your business remains in compliance
Set business-wide cybersecurity goals to protect your systems and data
Analyze the company's partners and third-party vendors
Develop recommended cybersecurity strategies and initiatives
vCISOs are advantageous because they are not full-time employees. Your business only pays for the services you need as you need them. For example, in some quarters, all you may need is monitoring, while in others, you may need a full cybersecurity assessment and revised strategy.
What Is an MSP?
A Managed Service Provider (MSP) manages and delivers IT services to businesses. An MSP's services include infrastructure management, security, networking, as well as application support. Common services provided also include:
Engineering IT support
Fix and remediation automation
Patch management
Remote monitoring
Network and server maintenance
IT infrastructure management
The advantages of an MSP include the ability to scale as your business needs change, the flexibility to switch providers, and managed costs (only pay for the services you need).